Climate Tuesday, 5th April

1. ELTsustainable was founded in 2012 by Owain Llewellyn. Its aim is to “help teachers empower learners to engage in the international dialogue around sustainability in their language learning journey and beyond”

Owain offers a Language Teaching for the Planet ‘mini course’

and a host of attractive and engaging lesson plans, including this one produced for International Women’s Day

2. Christopher Graham gave a talk at Oxford University Press’s ELTOC last month on The global climate emergency, English teaching and me: recording here

Chris begins by discussing the negative impacts of day-to-day ELT activities on the environment (energy, paper consumption, flights) and some ways of reducing this impact and making schools greener places to learn and continues with a look at how we can work with our students to integrate climate topics into our classes, as a way of equipping the students to engage with the crisis.

3. Cambridge won’t readily let Oxford steal a march on them (only in Saturday’s Boat Race), and they also offer a wide range of climate materials on their website. This blog post by Jade Blue, which signposts a wide range of climate materials and websites from Cambridge University Press and others, is a great place to start

and this post by Katie Back has links to all the material Cambridge produced for COP26

4. Here’s a nice clear piece on the Waste hierarchy from Genan, who recycle tyres I confess to finding this completely by accident – did you know that ELT also stands for ‘end-life-tyres’?

5. And, finally, today’s poem for Ukraine is ‘Resistance’ by Simon Armitage Here’s the poem and here’s a piece about the poem

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